Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy 16th, Benny!!

My little sister Brynlie turns 16 today! Benny is the youngest of six kids and I am very happy to have her for a little sister. She has many talents and abilities! She plays on both the high school basketball and softball teams, plays the cello, and gets good grades. Above all, she is an awesome girl. She has always helped me with whatever I have asked of her and my kids absolutely love their Aunt Benny!!

Addison and her Aunt Benny

Meeting Jack for the first time

Happy 16th Birthday, Ben!! We love you very much!!


Suzy Q said...

Ahhh...I'll keep my eyes out for her on the road! Too weird. The little siblings are getting older too...it's not just me!

Kate said...

Oh precious Benjamin. She looks so pretty in those pictures! HOLY MOLY 16!!! Sick..wait til you see her driving the eddie. It =weird, very weird! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!

Unknown said...

Hi Ashlie-Cute blog! I added your e-mail to mine so you can check it out! Hey thanks again for coming last night, even tough it was ummm... boring. Ooops, did I say that out loud. Happy Birthday to your sister!

Paul said...

It's completely disturbing to me that Binny (tomayto - tomahto) is 16. Susan called over there the other day, and Angie said Binny's date was there.

I nearly stuck a fork in my eye.

True story.